Joey's Alumni


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1973 Confirmation (Leaving Cert 1980)
1973 Confirmation Names (Leaving Cert 1980)


Photo Taken May 5th 1973 – Group Leavers in 1975. Photograph Provided by Tom Maher.

Signed back of 1973 photo. Photograph Provided by Tom Maher.


Note: The class photos and captions below are currently mixed up. This will be corrected in due course. 

Leaving Cert Class of 1969 6A
Leaving Cert Class of 1973 6A


Leaving Cert Class of 1969 6B
Leaving Cert Class of 1973 6B

Leaving Cert Class of 1973 6C (Click to View)


Leaving Cert Class of 1969 6D
Leaving Cert Class of 1973 6D

All material copyright St. Joseph’s C.B.S unless otherwise stated.